As life progresses, we tend to lose sense of our original selves and lose a sense of the dreaminess that life can provide. Reality is amazing due to the sense of trial and error. We learn to appreciate perfection in certain parts of our lives. And we learn to love the hardships that lead us to worldly places in our minds. I tend to believe that if life was a bubble, that bubble would not give us the reality that we want, but it would be a placeholder for our dreams. If you were to blow that bubble away from where your dreams were to originally take you, it would feel as if every original idea you had, all those plans, would just go in a circle like the fireball, or just pop. One who may know about the reality of the dreams we have, will know that people should have dreams. It’s like our internal parent who pushes us to strive for a future that we want as an individual. The unique dreams each and everyone of us has, shouldn’t be compared to another. It should be unique, quirky, lovable and peaceful. Don’t be scared of your dream(s), think of it as a wheel. It will only move according to how you want it to go. It’s controlled by you.
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